A few words from OK RDY’s Foudner and CEO, Timothy McKay.
“I’m very humbled to have been named Australia’s male champion of change at the women in security awards last night 😲!
As I said in my speech, I’m incredibly honoured. While at an individual level, I try to do my part through advocacy and calling out inequality. I feel my most important role has been and will continue to be, connecting and telling the stories of amazing role models.
You can’t be what you can’t see.
I’m privileged to be able to help people connect and highlight role models and their unique personal and professional journeys. By increasing access to mentors our emerging talent can open themselves up to the art of the possible and with a little guidance those possibilities are endless. Thanks everyone and it’s a true honour!
Awesome event Abigail Swabey and Source2Create team!
Special thanks to Jacqui Loustau and Amy Roberts for all your support. and especially to the AWSN – Australian Women in Security Network community for trusting me to help share your amazing stories!”
#people #change #australia #womeninsecurity #malechampion #award #leadbyexample